8 Easy Tips to Winterize Your Home this Winter

Dec 21, 2021

How do I Winterize My Home In Texas?

Winterizing your home

    The Texas Hill Country has had a relatively mild winter so far. As we all know, Texas weather can be fickle and unpredictable. At KS Plumbing, we are always here to serve the plumbing needs of the Kerrville community, so we wanted to publish some helpful tips for the cold weather that we're inevitably due for.

    Here are 8 easy tips and tricks to winterizing your home so you can avoid damage to your plumbing when the freezing weather arrives.

1. Insulate your water pipes

Frozen Water pipes

An essential step to winterize your home is insulating your pipes. Insulating can be done by using foam pipe insulation. Most hardware stores carry a supply of foam insulation specifically made for plumbing systems. Be sure to cover all pipes that are going to be exposed to the environment, such as in your garage and on exterior walls. If you have an outdoor kitchen, be sure to cover all piping you can, and let the faucets drip throughout freezing temperatures.

2. Cover All Outdoor Faucets and Hose-Bibs

Cover outdoor faucets

One of the simplest things you can do is cover all of your outdoor faucets and hose-bibs with a protective cover. Covering these will keep them from freezing and bursting in the cold weather. In addition, make sure that you keep your gutters clean so that the water can properly drain away from your home when it rains or snows. If the water accumulates and freezes near your home's foundation, it can cause expensive damage to your property. 

3. Let your outdoor kitchen faucets, and in some cases your indoor faucets, slow drip during freezing temperatures

Frozen Faucet

There is a network of water pipes in your home that you won't be able to cover and get winterized. Older homes need extra caution during these harsh temperatures because the pipes are older metal pipes that are more subject to freezing and bursting. The best way to avoid burst pipes is to open the faucets just enough to allow a small stream or quick drip. Allowing water to continually move through the pipes can prevent the accumulation of ice which will spread and become a fully frozen problem. When the water in a metal pipe freezes, it expands and clogs the flow, cracking the pipe. Once the ice melts, the water pressure built up behind the blockage will cause a larger break in the pipe's weakened area.

Look out for faucets that have stopped flowing normally. If you notice this, turn off your water main and contact a plumber immediately. KS Plumbing offers comprehensive services and will be more than happy to assess your situation, catching potentially fatal bursts early and saving you thousands in repair costs.

Your water bill is another place to keep an eye on. A burst pipe is not always noticeable right away. Sometimes the only way to realize a pipe has burst and is leaking is to see a very abnormal spike in your water usage. You may first notice your bill is outrageously expensive, then you'll see the spike on the bar graph most utility companies show you on your monthly statement. Unless your Cousin Eddie and your 8 nephews with an extremely long showering habit have been staying with you all month, your problem is most likely a burst pipe.

4. Check Your Water Heater

check your water heater

You'll want to check the thermostat on the water heater and make sure it is set at 120 degrees Fahrenheit or higher (consult your water heater's usage guidelines to ensure safety and optimum operational levels) so that your water will stay hot. Make sure to drain any standing water from around the base of the appliance before freezing weather arrives. If left unchecked, it could freeze and cause irreparable damage. There shouldn't be any standing water around your water heater, so if you do see water in these areas, call a plumber right away to get the issue fixed before it becomes a disaster.

5. Apply Weather-stripping Around Doors and Windows

Apply weather-stripping around doors and windows

Weatherstripping around doors and windows is an easy way to keep your home warm in the winter. It prevents cold air from entering your home, and it also helps to keep out the rain and snow. In addition, weather stripping can help to reduce noise from outside, which can be especially helpful if you live in a busy neighborhood. Having newer insulated windows is a very important factor in making sure your home stays warm and keeping your energy bills low. If you're not able to replace your windows at this time, applying weatherstripping can help older windows keep a tight seal, trapping warm air where it matters most. 

6. Replace Regular Light Bulbs with LED Bulbs

Lower Electricity Bill

Your LED lightbulb will last longer and use less electricity than an incandescent bulb. Energy bills tend to be higher in the winter months and switching your light bulbs out for LED bulbs will save you a significant amount of energy use and money at the end of the month. 

7. Close Off Any Unused Rooms In Your House

Keep Heat from Escaping

This is a great way to keep the heat from escaping from your home. If there are rooms in your house that you don't use very often, or if you have an extra room that you use as a storage area for your holiday decorations, close the door to that room and keep it closed until the weather warms up again. Less square footage needed to keep warm means your heater doesn't have to work nearly as hard, making it more efficient and cozy for your main areas.

8. Hang Some Thermal Curtains

hang thermal curtains to winterize your home

Thermal curtains are a great way to keep the heat in your home. The fabric is designed to trap the heat and keep it inside, which can help to reduce your energy bill. In addition, thermal curtains come in a variety of colors and designs, so you can find one that will match your home's decor.

    These 8 easy ways to winterize your home in Texas are great steps you can take to make your home safer and more comfortable when the Central Texas weather finds its way into the winter season.

    From replacing regular light bulbs with LED bulbs to covering your outdoor faucets, there are plenty of easy things that you can do to keep the cold air out and save money on energy bills.

    We hope these tips have helped you out this season! If they haven't, don't worry! Contact KS Plumbing and let us make sure your home is professionally maintained and ready for the harsh Texas winter. Our team will be happy to service any of your plumbing needs! Prevention is the best defense against freezing weather.

Keep your home warm in the winter

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